Super Rabbit beaten by Zombie

AI generated pic.

 Oh, well. 'Super Rabbit' my entry for the Liskeard Library Short Story Competition did not get placed. Here's the 'rejection': Many thanks for your participation in the Liskeard Library Short Story Competition. With so many fantastic entries, it was no small task for our Inaugural Writer in Residence, Peter McAllister, to whittle things down to just ten short listers, then choose one overall winner from that shortlist.

Peter McAllister (Competition Judge) said, "The standard of entries was incredibly high and I’d like to congratulate all those who entered on producing such fantastic work. From love and loss in Eighteenth century Cornwall to zombie apocalypses in eastern Asia, it was great fun to read and judge. All shortlisters and our overall winner should be particularly proud and I wish them all the best in their future writing."

Beaten by a zombie LOL


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