
Showing posts from June, 2024

The B Word is available on Egg plus Frog

  My Flash Fiction entry to Flash Fiction Competition is now available to read on their site. It missed out on making the top 10 by a whisker.  Here's what they said on Instagram:  "Today we welcome Stephen Newland to the Word Hoard! This quirky bit of flash fiction takes us on a class trip to a rotting badger. There, a group of school flies learn all about the Buzz! It's pretty gross, but also pretty great." Read it in FULL and 100% FREE at

Uncharted Cinematic Short Story Competition

 I entered this competition yesterday on deadline day. I had developed an exciting sci-fic fantasy story which I felt matched the dynamics visually for what they were looking for. Whether it will catch the eye or feel too cliched will remain to be seen, but I enjoyed telling the tale. Originally entitled The Cutting Engine, I changed the name to I Create Monsters. Who knows, it may strike a chord with someone. And the Americans do appreciate talent LOL.  

Short Story Fun

I am constantly working on short stories and enjoy taking part in competitions where the word count varies. Some ask for 1,000 others 2,000 max while even more ambitious competitions go to 5,000. I tend to enjoy putting together 1,000 and 2,000, but recently some of my fiction seems to have exploded with characters requiring more attention. Still it's fun to try.